Jubilee Surgery

Whitton Corner Health and Social Care Centre, Percy Road, Whitton, Twickenham, TW2 6JL

Telephone: 0203 405 0840

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Tests & Results


Please phone the surgery after 10:00am.

Most results take up to 7 days to be received by the surgery. Some take longer. Results will then be reviewed by a Doctor.

Results can be viewed on the NHS App or please call and speak to reception. The receptionist can only tell you if your results are normal or whether further action is required and cannot give any detailed information about the actual result. Results will only be given to the patient – we cannot disclose information to third parties unless with prior written consent. 

If you were asked by the GP to book an appointment to discuss your results, then please contact the surgery to arrange this appointment.  The doctor will telephone or message you if your result is of urgent concern. If routine further action is needed, you may receive a text message or reception will contact you requesting that you make an appointment for review with the requesting doctor.

Please note, the results of any investigations requested by a hospital consultant will not normally be sent to the surgery but will be discussed with you at your hospital follow-up appointment. Please contact the hospital to chase these results.

If you would like online access to your test results please ask reception

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